Sunday, March 18, 2007

Not where I hang my hat!

Cambridge is less thoroughly literate than I'd been led to believe.

Friday, March 09, 2007

much improved

The tropical-beach-resort feel of our offices has hit an all-time high.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Renovated the cubicles of the temporarily absent.

Celebrated the buttering of...

the OREO!

The confluence of the green sweater, the green background, and the green-tinted terminal window. With Fortran frustration.

Biked quietly across the frozen field
(following snow, rain, and then freezing).
Smoothest surface I've biked on in weeks.
and then,
of course,
the bike slid away from under me.

After more than a year, the cat gets his favorite treat:

And, this one.... shallots are kind of sweet and sexy, doncha think?

-Dr. S

Friday, March 02, 2007


And it wasn't bad at all. I love that first beer on a Friday evening at the desk.
Suddenly the coding isn't so painful.