Thursday, December 07, 2006


No, pDan! Vikings snarl! You're way off.

Charlotte and Vendetta... who seems to have lost her eyes somewhere...

Papa Smurf... and his ass-kickin' boots.

Not actually a costume there, Chachi.

Fanny hanging out with Chachi.

Fanny with her pal Chow Yun Fat.

Fanny and some cute clown.

Fanny and that Mike guy.

I defy you to tell which one is Mike and which one is Sun Wukong or Sun Goku.

Then all these nice people showed up.
(I'm cuing off the fact that I shot these in the entranceway.)
Don't they look friendly? But after that the photo journal turns ugly:
There were drunken Vikings, and clowns consorting with smurfs...

Mrs. Robinson doing her thing:
...Even a little Ali G action with the Djini/Jeanie.
I'm not sure what's with the shadow. Possibly the flash was drunk at this point.
It all ended on the back porch,everybody watching as the Last Viking turned surly and unsteady:
There's your thousand word of Old Norse right there, Blondie.