The problem here is that the camera wielder is too bright. The flash was not on, in fact.

Resting in his brine: Turgay the Turkish Turkey. (Turkish friends suggested the name "Kalaynak," which is one of the large, extinct birds, and apparently sounds funny in Turkish. But everything Turkish sounds funny to us non-speakers... And their backup suggestion of "Hindi," which refers to the selfsame bird immersed in brine above... is already an English word, with the wrong meaning here.)

It's all the stuffing.
All of it.

(OK, yes, I know, but it was that, or have it sideways in gphoto2, which uses exif information to auto-rotate, and I'm stubborn.)

... and that's it for documentation. After the first course is on the table, it's not as interesting to arrange pretty pictures.
_Dr. S
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