Saturday, September 29, 2007

No time for Europe: CERN, she calls

Bat40 is bilaterally symmetric;
nous tracons la limite,
nous coupon elle,
nous avons deux moities.

The LHC Building (Bâtiment 40, or "40" to its friends)

It was CMS Week, a local holiday observed by staying inside despite the beautiful weather and holding long meetings.

I have little patience for long meetings.
Once you are exhausted by content-free talks, stubborn semantic squabbles, and sheer overwhelming unbrokenness of the meetings, it's time to buy rounds of beer, wine, and snacks on the flagstone terrace of R1 (Restaurant Un).

HCal, my peeps, are particularly good at this. Above, Steve Lynn of Miami refuses to sit still for the long exposures of natural light around sunset. (Middle) Wine bottles obscuring two collaborators visting for the meetings and Arno, our Coding Wizard and a post doc in my group. Right, with their wine: Ianos who makes the radioactive calibration sources move through the detector, Arjan, who develops the next generation of high-gain, low-noise photodetectors (and is CERN's closest approach to a Big Lebowski, though Dutch), and our Pomeron-hunter. Don't know what they are? No one does, mon chou.

The HCAL Last Supper.
(actually, this was still a few hours before supper.)

_Dr. S

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